Sport yes, but in moderation

This summer we have seen the best athletes in the world at the Olympic Games. Beautiful and healthy bodies... Healthy? Do not believe. After numerous research, experts have confirmed that athletes and former athletes suffer from all kinds of health problems.

The most known damages experienced by trainers at the elite level are muscle, bone and bonding injuries.

Elite athletes have many health problems; often the reproductive system does not properly perform its functions, especially in women.

Athletes have the most severe syndromes in the cardiovascular and respiratory system. The fact that the athlete dies from a heart attack is not usual, but it is repeated periodically. An athlete with heart problems by birth may have serious problems when he is an adult if he or she is high level competitions.

Even athletes with asthma have to go through difficult times, as strong workouts sharpen them.

Dysfunctions of the female reproductive system are also known. More than half of the elite women running or riding a bike suffer strong monthly ups and downs.

Athletes have a weakened immune system and the flu and diarrhoea are very easy and frequent.

More than one athlete would have been agitated with this explanation, as we have long heard that physical exercise is healthy. It is anti-health to play sports in excess. So keep playing sports to its full extent!

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