They detect the most remote dwarf galaxy ever observed.

The 3 circles of the color figure are the three images of the distant galaxy swollen by bright sets of galaxies in the foreground. Ed. ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, P. Kelly

Using the high-resolution telescope James Webb Space (JWST) and a powerful gravitational lens, a group of researchers have deduced that the galaxies that formed in the early universe were very small. According to them, this means that there was a hierarchical evolutionary process in which, from small galaxies, large galaxies were created, such as the Milky Way. The research has been published in the journal Science.

In addition, by analyzing the spectra of some galaxies in the distant universe, the team confirms that they have detected the farthest dwarf galaxy ever found. He explains that this tiny, very low-light galaxy was one of the first to form when, after only 500 million years after the Big Bang, the volume of the universe was thousands of times smaller than today. Tom Broadhurst, a member of the research team, Professor Ikerbasque of the UPV and associated with the DIPC, states that this discovery has been made by chance.

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