These are the jewels of Antigua!

The two discoveries in Africa have given more force to the theory that man had a symbolic thought for more than 75 thousand years.
Arizona State University

There have been found specimens of two necklaces used by man to decorate, one in the cave of Blombos in South Africa and two others in the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania.

The finding of Blombos is a shell of perforated snails of about 75 thousand years. But the researchers are not yet fully convinced that this is a human perforation. This cave is very rich in ruins, since in it two red ochre stones were found carved recently, supposedly the oldest ones that have been found.

However, the discoveries in Serengeti are probably transformed by man, but what paleontologists question is the age of the beads of the necklace. They are made of ostrich egg shell and are found in a sediment of between 45 and 110 thousand years.

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