Our calls in Spanish?

Do not be deceived, friend! Telephonists trapped by Aitzurra will not manage our phone calls, but air vessels filled with helium: a fleet of automatic slag could be in the air shortly to create a global communications network.

Japanese scientists are designing scepelines that will sail at 20,000 meters altitude and reflect the signal from mobile phones to the ground. These slags will sail much lower than communications satellites that will manage calls from the next generations of mobile phones, so mobile phones don't have to be powerful and will be smaller and lighter.

Japanese researchers have already launched three 8 m scepelines. These are too small to reach 20,000 m, but are very useful to demonstrate the signaling technique. Then another experimental scepeline of 20 m will be launched at 20,000 m. The Californian operator Sky Station, very interested in the project, intends to create a global communications network through 250 zepelines.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila