The human being as generator of electricity

The human being as generator of electricity
01/04/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: C. Lin Wang & X. Wang)

To power mobile phones, GPS, mp3 readers, etc. Not much electricity is needed and several groups of researchers want to use the energy generated by the human body to supply energy to these small devices. Two investigations of this type have been released, one in which it is intended to take advantage of the energy spent in the process of walking and another in which it is intended to create clothes that produce energy when moving.

The first is being studied at the University of Michigan. A device that attaches to the knee is developing, which wastes energy when circulating. When the knee advances in each step it takes speed. However, when the foot touches the ground, the knee stops in the new position on the foot. The energy the device receives is the braking energy of the knee.

The second is a special thread being made at the Georgia Institute of Technology. They have manufactured piezoelectric nanofibers, that is, very small fibers that produce electricity due to a mechanical stress (in this case rubbing against each other).

Through these nanofibers, the fibers that are commonly used in the textile industry have been manufactured yarns suitable for the making of garments. With the use of these yarns to weave a shirt or jersey, scientists want to get clothes that produce electricity with movement.

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