Equations for skin evolution

Equations for skin evolution
01/09/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Archive)

The skins of various animals are spectacular and attractive. Some are scratched, like zebra, others dotted, like leopard. And everyone has a special drawing. In addition, it seems that this drawing is changing as the animal advances age, it becomes more complex. Some mathematicians have discovered how to use mathematical models to explain this evolution of drawing.

In 1952 Alan Turing published the basic equation of the model that follows the drawing of leather. Turing explained in the embryonic era how skin drawings are produced by equations of reaction and diffusion. Well, to reproduce the drawings of adults, the Turing equations must be used twice: the first time you have to look for the model of the childhood of the animal and change the parameters and in the second they reach the drawing of adulthood.

Mathematics; Biology; Zoology
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