Breathing problems in the Indian capital

The inhabitants of Delhi have reasons to worry. According to a study by the Indian Pollution Council, in the atmosphere of this city there are seven times more pollution than recommended by international health agencies.

According to a study by the Pollution Council, in the atmosphere of Delhi there are seven times more pollution than recommended by international health agencies.

According to Council researchers, the streets of Delhi are one of the most polluted streets in the world. However, they still do not know exactly the degree of air pollution that is breathed. According to the authors of the study, it is necessary to take drastic measures to stop contamination immediately, since the respiratory problems of the population are more and more serious. They consider that an adequate measure would be to prevent a third of the cars from circulating on the roads during working hours.

International organizations have mentioned the health problems of the children of Delhi. The air the local children breathe is almost 8 times more polluted than the maximum limit.

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