Veto de la Antártida

The Australian government refuses to approve the Antarctic Mining Regulatory Convention. This agreement would authorize and control the currently prohibited mining activity.

Australia is one of the seven States claimed by Antarctica and has the right to veto. Among them are France, Argentina, Chile, Norway, Great Britain and New Zealand. It seems that France is also going to put the veto.

The achievement of this agreement has not been easy and over six years there have been strong negotiations between the 30 signatory states of the Treaty of Antarctica. Australians want there to be no mining in Antarctica. Australians intend to reach a broad international agreement for the conservation of Antarctica. Australians will propose the declaration of Antarctica as a world natural park.

However, many ecologists are concerned about the decision of the Australians. And if the Convention permits mining, it controls to a certain extent (establishing mechanisms for it) and fear that the lack of Convention implies uncontrolled mining.

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