Man is also animal

Roa Zubia, Guillermo

Elhuyar Zientzia

Man is also animal
01/01/2010 | Roa Zubia, Guillermo | Elhuyar Zientzia Komunikazioa
(Photo: Recent searches

The title is a claim. The philosopher Jesus Mosterín feels attracted to animals and is noted in this book. Man is an animal, he reminds us and we must realize it. The animal is from the biological point of view and from the behavioral point of view. In fact, this book, without reference to the human being, is appropriate to reflect on the animal instinct of the human being.

In the author's words, the book "is a mixture of science, philosophy, documentation and ethical reflection." It consists of two main parts. The first praises animals and the second denounces cruelty against animals. The first is full of science and the second of philosophy. Through these two parts, the author carries out an informative work and, at the same time, provides an opinion on animal ethics.

Part of the birth of life. He then presents the animal kingdom, explaining the evolution of this group of living beings. It also analyzes the nervous system, the senses and the ability to adapt to the environment. And pain and death. Finally, it analyzes the domain of primates.

From there, in the second part of the book, Mosterín writes about ethical aspects related to animals. It focuses on the relationship between man and other animals (from the canine case), the influence of the anthropocentric approach, laboratory animals, the animals we grow to eat and the torture of animals. Finally, he talks about animal rights and concludes the book with a broad ecological reflection.

The added value that Mosterín brings to the writings is that it is the point of view of a philosopher who is a scientist and a writer with a very clear thought. In addition to the theme of animals, this writer has written a lot about philosophy, has also dealt with the history of thought and the set of axioms of science and mathematics.

In his latest publications he has also written on the subject of animals in a book on culture. Live the animals! It is but one of the books of Jesus Mosterín, but it is an example of his thought.

Live the animals!
Related information
Ed. Debate
210 x 143 mm
ISBN: 84-8306-141-4
Roa Bridge, Guillermo
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila