Dating: Builders of Civilization

The ancient Romans called Ceres the goddess of crops and grains, and that is the origin of the word cereals in Spanish. The different historical civilizations have been built around a certain cereal. For example, American Indians lived around corn, Asians had rice and wheat in Europe, although the climate was conditioned by northern and eastern Europe.

Throughout human history, to this day, the heavens and their products have been the basis of human food, as they are tasty, varied and easy to preserve. Because they have little fat and water.


Although today it is sown in almost everyone, the richest crops are obtained in temperate lands. In the Basque Country, Alava and Navarre are the wheat fields. For this reason, in the Middle Ages these two territories were rich, while Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia were poor for not having wheat.

Taking into account the final product (bread, biscuits, pasta, breakfast cereals...) to be offered to the consumer during sowing, the types of grain that offer us the most suitable conditions to achieve this will be used.


The Greeks and Romans used barley to obtain bread, then replaced by wheat. However, it is an inescapable event in the territories of the Middle East.

It is mainly used for beer production, although in small quantities it is also used as a soups and salads helper.


It is mainly used in children's food and breakfast products. It is not possible to get bread alone with him, because he has no capacity to get up. Its duration is less than the others, since its fat content is three or five times higher than the rest.


It is the most used to make bread after wheat. Thanks to some of its characteristics it is used in slimming diets, as it generates a feeling of satiety. It is also appropriate for diabetics because the blood sugar level rises very slowly.


It is planted mainly in the Tropic Territories, as it requires a lot of water and a lot of light, but it is also able to grow in dry areas.

Although rice production is the same as wheat, the land surface it needs is more than half of what it needs and is 80% of the food that is fed in some territories.


Its origin, as the Basques well know, is America. Cultivated by native Indians (Aztecs, Maya and Incas), today it remains a staple food in some countries of the South and Central America.

In developed countries it becomes increasingly important because of the famous breakfast “Corn Flakes”.

In fact, corn is poorer than wheat in protein and vitamins.


Before finding America, millet was sown in Euskal Herria, but corn came and disappeared completely from our fields. He also took his name away. It used to be called corn.

In short, all milestones are rich in carbohydrates, with 77-87%. If they are not refined, they have more fibers, very rich in vitamins and minerals. The amount of protein is variable and is not considered in developed countries. Fat is very low.

The amount of precinct that was taken in the past was too high, since there was no more food, but the current consumption is too low in schools, as the current research has concluded. Unfortunately we are eliminating from diet and spare parts cakes, cookies, etc. we introduce breakfast cereals themselves and snack snacks improve. So, let's try to get an intermediate path by eating daily appointments.

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