Two numbers ago, specifically in number 31, we opened a path: Factoring Numbers and explaining the operations that can be carried out with the number in the factors. This issue explains how the Major of Common Dividers and the Minor of Common Multiples are calculated.
In this case the user must enter specific results, S.A.D. and M.K.T. Controlling these results would not be a complicated task for the computer if the numbers and results were predefined. But this time, as in most cases, we wanted to introduce randomness so that the program is kinder at the time of use. Therefore, the same program will calculate the GGDC. and M.K.T.
Maximum number that some natural numbers consider dividers simultaneously.
Common Minimum MultipleIt is the smallest number of multiples of all natural numbers at once.
864 = 2 . 3.
909 = 3 . Site Map
Technical service 3 2 = 9
Technical service 2. 3. 101 = 87264
The program is as follows: