
Arrojeria, Eustakio

Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Lizaso, Pili

Informatika Saila

Elhuyar Fundazioa

Following the custom of each year, in the summer number, we will publish the popular game URKATUA.

Following the custom of each year, this year we offer again in the summer number, the number of July and August, a slightly lower number than the programs we publish throughout the year.

When we say Xamurrio we do not talk about the structure of the program, but about its use, and there is no doubt that the games are the most attractive from the point of view of its use and perhaps the most suitable for this year.

Most of you will know the game known as HANGMAN. One of the players (in this case the computer) will choose a word and the other will have to add letters, indicating whether or not it has been successful for each letter it says and the number of times it has been successful and the position of the word in which it appears.

At the beginning of the game a urka will be prepared in which a part of the body will be represented for every failure that occurs during the game, until all the letters of the word are invented or hanged after having represented the whole body.

Despite being a game, we think it can be very useful to work the vocabulary, but that opinion remains in the hands of users.

So cheer up and play!

Note: To see this image well go to the pdf

Program description

  • Introduction to the 10-90 program; water preparation.
  • 100-160 A word of the data is randomly selected, saved by characters in the table and marked as unpublished letters.
  • 170-420 Main program cycle. This cycle will end when 7 errors or omissions are made or the word is invented.
    • 190-250 Control of the key that the user has pressed, checking that it is letter and moving to capital letters.
    • 260-290 If the entered letter appears in the selected word, mark the position in which it appears in the table and enter it on the screen.
    • 300-380 Rendering of the fault image part. up to 6 faults.
    • 390-420 Check if all letters of the word have been invented.
  • 430-510 Explanation of the game result.
    • 440 Case of invention of the word.
    • 450-510 Case of invention of the word.
  • Words, data to use in the program 600-660.
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila