Checkups (and II): complete exam

Agirre, Jabier

Medikua eta OEEko kidea

In the previous issue we highlight the importance of check-ups in the prevention and diagnosis of the patient. On this occasion, we will see what are the usual standard checking tests.

Make a family and personal history of the patient

It serves to know the diseases that have suffered or are suffering at this time in your family, thus seeking the congenital or hereditary cause of the disease. It also notes the weight and height, the illnesses suffered by the person, the surgical interventions that have made him and his life habits (food, sports, alcohol consumption, tobacco or some drug, pharmacological treatments, etc. ). ).

Specific test

Normally, a complete analysis will be performed (see box attached) to know the physical condition of the person. The mouth, eyes, and ears (or ear), blood pressure, and lung function are also studied by a test called spirometry (deep inspiration and subsequent forced expiration and exposed as quickly as possible through a tube or tube connected to a machine). Even to know the progress of the heart, today has become almost usual electrocardiogram (ECG).

Complementary tests

They evaluate the state in which each of the organs of the body are located, or if it is detected that there may be an error in the functioning of them.

The number of tests to be performed and the nature of them will depend on what the patient tells us, their age, the pain and discomfort they have suffered or are suffering at this time and, above all, the condition of man or woman in each case.



It is recommended to perform this test at the time when the woman starts sexual intercourse within gynecological visits. When you have a stable sex life, a woman should have gynecological check-ups every four to five years, and after having had a child, these checks, including cytology, should be done annually. When the woman reaches age 50, it is recommended to conduct an annual study of cytology and pelvis, since 60% of cervical cancers are diagnosed in women between 50 and 60 years.

What is cytology? Also known as a Pap test, it is a study of cervical cells. For this purpose a special design tool (a kind of teaspoon) is used to scrape the uterus and the cells thus obtained will be analyzed later in the laboratory. This procedure is not painful and only lasts a few seconds.


There is no absolute consensus on experts at this point. How long should a woman regularly perform these tests? According to Zabaleta, the woman of about 35 years is advised to do so between 2 and 3 years, but from age 40 should do the mammograms every year.

Bone densitometry

If there was discussion about the previous test, the debate about it is even stronger, as it is very expensive to be able to conduct this test systematically. When the woman has disappeared menstruation, a month later, or women are recommended to perform this test to assess bone condition. This test is not justified before menopause unless there is a bone fracture or the doctor appreciates signs of osteoporosis (or bone decalcification). Once the woman is introduced into menopause, it would be advisable to repeat this test (how long? Here he sends the money). The test is not painful, has no risk and lasts 5-15 minutes.


Stress test

From the age of 40-45 it is advisable to perform a cardiological assessment (see how the heart works). Also if you have hypertension, if you have so-called "bad" high cholesterol, or if you have a smoker or drinker (above). Of course, there is a family history of coronary disease.

This stress test is only an exercise resistance test, as the heart can give symptoms that do not appear at rest during exercise. The patient is asked to pedal on the bike, or on the treadmill, gradually accelerating the pace. In the skin of the person who occupies us, specifically in the legs and chest, electrodes are placed to measure the functioning of the heart at that time (electrocardiogram). Blood pressure is also measured during the test.


This test involves seeing and analyzing the large intestine for tumors or other abnormalities, especially in the colon. For many patients the test may be annoying, as it is necessary to insert a fiber optic tube or tube into the anus. But it is a very effective way to know the state of the intestine. This test is usually done when the patient has previous symptoms and the doctor suspects something (chronic constipation, abrupt bowel rhythm alterations or unjustified diarrhea).


Once a year it is advisable to investigate the prostate after the man turns 50. A simple blood test can detect or detect prostate cancer in very early stages. In some cases it may be supplemented with a rectal study (touch) and ultrasound.

Smoking permitted

Smokers, whether men or women, in addition to the above tests, should perform other checks on the state of their lungs. A chest plate or even a scanner (this last test is more expensive and complicated to perform) are tests that provide very adequate information, along with the spirometry initially mentioned.

You have the last word

Once checked, the doctor can assess the health of the person with a high degree of reliability. Check-ups are suitable diagnostic methods, one of the best prevention systems for disease detection, but it is clear that they are not panaceas that solve everything. Checkups, which cannot cure diseases such as cancer, can be very effective for the diagnosis of other diseases and, returning to the case of cancer, in the case of a disease that reproduces so quickly, it is important to detect them in time (and in it checkups can be of great help).

So, reader, if you read the above, I would like to ask you a question: think your body is like the car. I am sure you perform a periodic technical review of your vehicle, hoping it will work better. If you are able to make that car (and also shake your pocket), isn't your body worth not saying much more?

To see if from now on he pays as much attention to doctors as to mechanics. Your body will thank you.

How to interpret the analysis?

The following information can help you know what terms appear in the blood and urine test and how to interpret them:

  • Globular sedimentation rate (GV). The "beauty" of the blood. When it is higher than normal it means that there may be inflammation, infection, or neoplastic disease in the body.
  • Blood count. Many red blood cells indicate kidney or blood disease, while low blood cells represent anemia. Platelets and leukocytes (white blood cells) are also part of the blood count. The former measure blood clotting and the latter inform us of our defenses (immune system).
  • Through transamines, bilirubines and alkaline phosphatase, the status of liver function (i.e., liver damage) can be known. The excess indicates hepatitis, cirrhosis, or painful (or jaundice).
  • Urea and creatinine. They are markers of renal function. Sometimes one is excessive and the second is not (which may indicate that the person drinks little and urinates little). If both parameters are elevated, it can be a sign of kidney failure. Low levels may be due to inflammation or inflammation of the liver or lack of protein.
  • Glucose. Too high a level may indicate diabetes and the opposite may present hypoglycemia or alteration of the pancreas.
  • Lipid profile. It includes cholesterol, triglycerides and total lipids.
  • Uric acid in urine: in case of excess, gout or stones in the kidney. If it is too low it informs us of some infection.
  • Blood in urine: indicates possible colon cancer. But it doesn't work too much if the test is done while the woman is with the rule.
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