Deviated nasal septum

Agirre, Jabier

Medikua eta OEEko kidea

Diverting the nasal septum is not just an aesthetic problem, let alone. Except for very special case, it can happen backwards, h.d. Pass the aesthetics to a second plane and have breathing difficulties, and that is what has to be corrected, because if the air does not enter through the nose, the breathing is done forcefully through the mouth and this always entails discomfort and discomfort, many times in addition to snoring and cooling.

The deviated nasal septum does not mean that the nose is wrong. This problem is seen in many people. Among the causes are their own, which we could call developmental defects, which appear from the beginning. And on the other, those that appear by traumatisms or blows. It is easy to understand that any blow through the place and special position of the nose, if it has enough strength, can divert the septum.

Boxers are removed from the partition.

Is it born with the deviated nasal septum or deviates in growth without any type of stroke? Normally, the skeleton of the septum, both bone and cartilaginous, develops faster than the network that surrounds it and is often slowly deviating through the inside of the nose.

If there are suspicions of deviation, it is advisable to go to the specialist, who will ensure our suspicion after seeing the nose inside. Once the diagnosis is fixed, the next step conditions the respiratory difficulties generated by the deviation. The truth is that there are very few adults who have the partition completely straight, although it must be taken into account that the deviations of most people do not generate symptoms. The passage of air finds no obstacle. When there are difficulties, however, when the air finds an obstruction in its passage through the nose, we must correct that deviation.

And in most cases, the most appropriate solution is surgical intervention. According to the specialists, the operation is only recommended in those cases in which the deviation produces some respiratory difficulty. The problem is very simple, we dare to say that it is mechanical: It is necessary to get the track to be clean, without obstacles or curves that make breathing difficult. Through surgery, the nose is achieved to fulfill its function, breathing people through the nose and not through the mouth. However, it is the patient himself (or the parents, in the case of young children) who first realizes. It is forced to breathe through the mouth and this breathing is very tired and not pleasant. On the other hand, the air that enters through the mouth does not reach the lungs in the most appropriate conditions, since the filtration work that is done in the nose is not done in the mouth and the air reaches our body without cleaning or adapting it.

If the deviation is not very large, therefore there will be no respiratory difficulty. In these cases the person can be quiet, since, as mentioned above, deviations are very common and in many cases without consequences. Anyway, if you have any doubts, go to the specialist. He will solve all your doubts.

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