Bread spare parts: are they all the same?

As we mentioned in the previous article on bread, the traditional bread ingredients are mainly wheat flour (white or integral), water, salt, yeast and some authorized additives.

We also talk about special breads like carrot, nuts, soybeans, etc. Now we'll talk about mold bread and toast, if compared to traditional bread because they have important differences:

- Mold bread: in addition to the usual ingredients, contains sugar, saturated fat (animal and vegetable) and malt extract, so it contains more simple fats and carbohydrates than the common bread. As is known, changes in our habits have led to more and more internalizing these two components, which are disproportionately harmful to our health. Therefore, the commitment to this bread has only two advantages: being soft, suitable for those who have problems of dentition and having a longer conservation than traditional bread.

- Toasted bread: giving form of mold to the traditional bread dough, cutting and toasting it, we will get toasted bread. Some like more and are preserved for a long time. In the same weight, toast has more calories and the amount of ingredients is higher due to the loss of water in the process of roasting along with some vitamins.

- Biscotes: are obtained by toasting the dough of the mold bread in calories and in quantity of ingredients, similar to those of the mold bread, but in greater concentration.

In our daily activity, we have found two main reasons to consume this type of bread: on the one hand, some like more than traditional bread, and on the other, most of them would include them in this group, which consume with fear of fattening. Some say that the measure is easier for toasted bread than for traditional bread, for example "like 4 toasted a day" and use it to keep this measure firm. But there are others who use them in the view that they "grow less". Let it be clear that this is a round lie, because reality is the other; sometimes they get more fat. In addition, they contain unhealthy components. That's why we have to keep in mind that traditional bread for our daily meals is the most recommended and if we buy alternatives, it is convenient to look at the label to know what we are introducing.

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