Monthly magazine of plants. July July July

Sowing: seed; Planting: plant, raft, turbot, eye, veins, etc.

Special vegetables Developed:

Cynara cardunaculus. Harvest: leaf.

The artichoke family is a plant with the same genus and as it the intense cold does not like. To obtain good yields it needs very good, light and well fertilized lands, although it adapts easily to poorer lands.

  • Erein: April-may. With 4-5 hole seeds on the table or field and 1 m of separation between holes, you must choose the best plant of each of them.
  • Works: frosts to avoid herbs and watering in summer. About twenty days before the harvest, the whole plant is collected, tied at the top and surrounded by a sack or cloth so that the leaves turn dark. If the cold ones are great, surround also with earth. We must protect ourselves from the attacks of the marrasquillo, the spleen, the mole, the mildium and the mottling.
  • Harvest: from October to February.

Cabbages: Cabbages:


Brassica oleracea bullata gemnifera. Harvest: leaf.


Before becoming a true leaf are collected the eyes or buds that grow in the trunk. For these outbreaks to remain compact, the excessive organic and nitrogenous fertilizers are harmful.

  • Erein: March-April. As the seed is very small, mixed with sand will greatly improve the uniformity of sowing. Make the watering very fast.
  • Planting: June-July, with a separation of 0.6 x 0.6 m.
  • Works: scarves. Monitor the attack of the cabbage butterfly.
  • Harvest: October, November and December. Wrap in the trunk upwards.

Lombard cabbage and cabbage:

Brassica oleracea and Brassica oleracea capitata.

Two types are distinguished: smooth leaves with curly leaves. These last ones are the Milano cabbages.

  • Sowing: always in the seedbed. In four times, the harvest depends on when we want. (1 g = 250 seeds). Spring: sow in September, sheltered Summer: sow in February-March, accompanied by protection and heat. Autumn: sowing in April, without the need for protection. Winter: sow in May-June. Abundant irrigation. Be careful with the cleaning of weeds, etc.
  • Plant: plants alert and 40-50 days. 0.5 or 0.6 m.
  • Works: irrigation and frosts in summer. Monitor the attacks of the cabbage butterfly.
  • Harvest: all year. It is recommended to pick up the red berza before the bigger cold ones.


Broccoli in the center to the left.

They are like the cauliflower, with green inflorescence. It should never suffer drought.

  • Erein: May-June.
  • Plantation: 5-6 weeks later, when the plant has 5 leaves, with a separation of 0.6 x 0.6 m.
  • Work: equal to the red cabbage.
  • Harvest: next spring.

Chinese cabbage:

It is similar to lettuce or escarole and needs the same jobs. It does not support jealousy.

  • Erein: June-July.
  • Harvest: from September onwards.

Nov: Nov.

Brassica napus napobrassica.

It is also designated as Swedish arbi. Work it like cabbage.

  • Erein: May-June.
  • Harvest: autumn.
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila