Visual alterations in childhood

Agirre, Jabier

Medikua eta OEEko kidea

You may never have thought that your baby's headache, or what to say that when learning, the problems and difficulties you have in school or at home, may be associated with a visual disorder, but eye! Not only to rule out this option, since according to the College of Opticians and Optometrists, 25% of schoolchildren are myopes of school age.

The detection of a vision alteration can be quite complicated in childhood, depending on the age of the child. But it must always be taken into account that an untreated visual problem can have consequences in the development of the child. That is why we must always be attentive to react to any suspicion.

Eye Conditions

Children, especially when they are young, have a hard time saying whether they see a thing clearly, accurately or if their vision is diffuse. Often parents or even teachers are the first to realize the visual problem. Below are the most common visual problems in childhood and how to identify them.

Myopia Myopia

o What is it?

Difficulty to see clearly distant things.

o Why does it happen?

It can be said that myopia is a refractive error due to the excessive strength or power of the eye, because the eye is longer than normal, because the optical surfaces have more power than normal, or by the combination of the two previous causes.

o Warning signs:

The child is very close to the TV or complains that he does not see the slate in school, or makes eye winks to see her away. These are the most frequent suspicions that can lead us to think that a child has nearsightedness.

o How is it addressed?

Antieyes or contact lenses (lenses): in this way, images of distant objects are brought to the retina so that the focus is adequate. There is no prohibition in theory for children to use lenses, but because of the difficulties they will have to manipulate them according to age, that is, to put them and remove them, it is better to use glasses or glasses.


o What is it?

Error antimiopio, that is, in this case bad or blurred objects and things close or close are seen.

o Why does it happen?

In this case the eye has little power or strength, either because the eye is shorter or because the optical surfaces have less power than normal, or for two reasons. or else, or

Warning signs:

Headache, reddened eyes, itching, tearing, fatigue, or other eye discomfort, especially when working at a short distance (household tasks like the child).

o How is it addressed?

The lenses used in the previous case are exactly opposite, that is, with curved lenses out.

Astigmatism Astigmatism

o What is it?

We can say that it is a "distorted vision", because each eye works on its own and because both eyes do not work coordinated.

o Why does it happen?

Because both corneas have different degree of curvature.

o Warning signs:

Eye discomfort and/or headache when working closely look "shadows" around the objects, decreasing vision.

o How is it addressed?

Using cylindrical lenses of different power in the glasses, depending on the cornea of each eye.

Strabismus, wrong eyes

o What is it?

Also called "crossed eyes". That is, the line of sight is not parallel in both eyes and do not look at or point to the same object at the same time.

o Why does it happen?

Because the eye axes are not properly aligned.

o Warning signs:

Normally the child inclines the "sick" eye inward, but it can also be mistaken elsewhere. Diversion may occur only at certain times, for example when the child is tired or sick. If when looking at something or someone the child closes an eye or covers the eye, or if when writing it is lying on an arm (and in this way the curved eye is covered with the arm), we will think that there may be that problem.

o How is it addressed?

Sometimes the operation will be necessary, but in other cases it is sufficient with optical correction (special antieyes). Until 4-5 months it is normal for the child to bend his eyes and that one of the two eyes does not move very well, since the musculature of the eyes is not properly matured and developed. But if these errors persist after a year, then yes, you have the reason to start worrying and take it to the doctor.

Vago eye, amblyopia

o What is it?

The vision of an eye is lost or diminished. This situation does not improve with corrective lenses and no anomaly is detected in the structure of the eye that justifies this failure.

o Why does it happen?

Strabismus (or ocular tortuosity) and refractive defects (nearsightedness or hyperopia) are some of the factors that can trigger this situation.

o Warning signs:

Reduced vision.

o How is it addressed?

The eye that looks good, "normal" eye, is covered with a patch so that the vague eye has the obligation to work.

It is better to walk on time

Children do not complete their vision until about 10 years. This means that until that age any visual problem can be fixed if detected on time. As we have said before, some of the behaviors your child has had will produce suspicions, but to confirm those suspicions, or to know that the child sees it perfectly normal, take the child to a specialist to do a full exam. Any pathology or eye alteration that slows or slows the development of the visual system can have serious consequences in the child's future development. That is why it is so important to detect any visual or visual problem on time and solve it as soon as possible.

It is clear, therefore, that your child has to pass proper controls, but when should the first of them be done? According to most experts, it is advisable to do so between 3-4 years. The periodic repetition of this type of study (every two or three years) is recommended, unless some professional (such as the school teacher or his pediatrician) indicates otherwise.

The way to school failure?

If your child has visual problems at school:

* Loss of immediate interest.

* You will not understand what you are reading after a while.

* After reading a rather long paragraph, he will pronounce the words badly.

* When copying from the slate or book, make mistakes.

* It will be more nervous or irritable than normal.

Teaches to take care of your sight

* At home: TV should not be too close. Between the child and the screen, a minimum of metre and a half.

* By car: if it is possible not to read. Under no concept

In line, in darkening or in a place with many curves or changes of satin. * At school: don't get too close to the paper to read or write.

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