CAF-Elhuyar Awards: two words

Jose Mari Rodriguez Ibabe, professor of the School of Engineers and researcher of the CEIT

Ugalde, dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemistry

Jon Larrañaga, biologist The bird community, the book of ecology, physiology and ethology

Altonaga Biologoa

Marqués: rays and birds Basque Juan

zúa Article
on Emission Tomography by Urzelai Positron
Luis María Bandres (member of Elhuyar
Kultur Elkartea and Deputy Foral of the Department of Social Services of Gipuzkoa)

Miren Azkarate (Member of Euskaltzaindia and Vice-Rector of
Euskera of the

UPV Basque Director) 400
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila