Back pain recovery table

Kortabitarte Egiguren, Irati

Elhuyar Zientzia

It is true that many people have ever suffered back pain, but it is not a vital disease. That's why it happens quite unconscious, and most of us carry it somehow. In some cases, however, the pain is very intense and almost continuous, being the only way to cure the operation. There is currently another alternative.
Back pain recovery table
01/04/2006 | Kortabitarte Egiguren, Irati | Elhuyar Zientzia Komunikazioa
(Photo: I. Kortabitarte)

To cure back pain caused by recording and sciatica hernias, among others, a vertebral decompression table has been installed in the service of Osteopathy and Manual Medicine of Policlínica San José de Vitoria-Gasteiz. It is the first table of this type in Spain and the third in Europe (in Britain they have just bought two). Table patented by the US company Vax-D.

The table serves to solve the problems of the lumbar area: disc herniation, disc degeneration, back pain that appear without reason, disc osteoarthritis and sciatica. These problems usually cause acute and/or chronic pain.

The treatment consists of a system of decompression of intervertebral discs and vertebral joints. The table is like a stretcher. The patient is lying face down and a harness is placed around the pelvis.

Then the table is "broken" through the center to stretch the column. By stretching the entire back, the vertebrae are separated and thanks to it, the disc out of place returns to its place. The separation of the vertebrae results in several gaps. After separation, the vertebrae work better, stretching and relaxing the contracted muscles.

This vertebral decompression system is in charge of performing a special treatment against traditional methods of healing back pain. In addition, the efficiency of the technique is around 80% depending on the pathology.

In America it has long been used. Currently approximately 3,000 patients receive daily treatment at more than 200 health centers in the United States, Canada and Mexico. J.C. in recent years Doctor Vicente, director of the Osteopathy and Hand Medicine Service, has analyzed in depth the functioning of the American Vax-D. "We have sent several patients to the United States to receive this treatment and we have verified its effectiveness and its good results," he says. That is why they brought the table to Vitoria.

Substitute for surgery

On March 1 presented the table J.C. Doctors Vicente in the Polyclinic San José de Vitoria-Gasteiz.
I. Kortabitarte

In many cases it will be a substitute for surgery, so the risks of the operating room (injections, anesthesia...) will be reduced. Patients will also be cured earlier and sick leave will be three times shorter, experts say.

It is a painless treatment with a daily session of 30 minutes for 20 days. It will then be repeated once a week for four weeks.

So far the intervention has been the solution to solve all these problems. But the operation around the disc is, say, how to remove the body shock. And it is dangerous. The intervention is effective in 75% of cases, but at ten years approximately 39% of patients feel unpleasant pains again.

For those who receive treatment of the vertebral decompression system, however, 77% of patients do not suffer any pain at the end of treatment, while 20% suffer a significant improvement in pain. Vax-D treatment is also ten times cheaper than operation.

Although the spine is very suffered and apparently does not complain, it gradually deteriorates and then the back pain appears. The causes of back pain are many and varied, but one of the main causes is to carry the load; although we work many hours in front of the computer, it often loads the back; and, of course, sitting in bad position, loading loads in bad position or making prolonged efforts. They are often paid very expensive.

24 hours
Spine: health axis
Man is able to tighten his knees standing without having to lean on his hands. It is what differentiates other mammals. What guarantees this temptation is the spine.
(Photo: Archive)
But in addition to standing upright, the spine performs other important functions in the human body, such as influencing our well-being. Therefore it is essential to keep the spine healthy.
But what does the situation of the column influence our well-being? In the spine is the spinal cord and the nerves that come out of it innervate most of the organs of the body. These organs perform various body functions, so their health is essential.
Kortabitarte Egiguren, Irati
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila