II. ZerNola Olympics

Imaz Amiano, Eneko

Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

After the success of the first edition, II edition of the new course. The ZerNola Olympiad will begin in October.

Yes, yes, the organizers consider I very successful. Participation in the ZerNola Olympiad, in which 58 classrooms were registered. In addition, many participated with great enthusiasm: if at the time of posting the new questions were delayed a few days, here we had phone calls. And when it comes to punctuating the answers we also took into account the speed.

I. The Main Prize of the ZerNola Olympiad was awarded by Patxi Agiriano on behalf of the Department of Culture, Euskera, Youth and Sports of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. (Photo: R. Cardboard).

We take the first edition as a test and as we hope we have achieved at least a fifth, for the next course II. We have started organizing the ZerNola Olympics. See if we correct the mistakes!

Test characteristics

The second edition will have the same structure as the previous one. The month of registration will be the month of September, immediately after the beginning of the course. And then it will be time for testing.

Participants must conduct a monthly test since October. Each test may include one or more questions, but all related to the same topic. In one month on nature, in another on mathematical logic, in the next we will have to ask questions or experiments of chemistry or physics and so on until April. In May and June there will be no evidence. And in May, before the end of the classes, we will celebrate the awards ceremony.

And as we have already mentioned the prizes, this year there will also be prizes for the team that gets the most points in the test each month. But in addition, each month's points will be added to the general standings and the winner will receive the main prize.

I. At the ZerNola Olympiad, for example, the winning classroom, the DBH-1B room of the La Salle school in Donostia, spent a weekend at the Elkano hostel in Hondarribia thanks to the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. They also had the opportunity to stroll through the piragua! In this second Olympiad the prize will also be a journey, and that is our intention. But even though the prize is a good incentive, I hope this is not the main reason for participation. Dreamy Gajos! you will say the majority. Well.

More than a hundred students participated in the I Science Museum of Miramón. ZerNola Olympiad award ceremony. Kike Amonarriz was in charge of setting the festive atmosphere. (Photo: R. Cardboard).

Once the monthly test is published, participants will have approximately 20 days to find and send the answer. Sometimes it will have to affect the mind, other times perform calculations or experiments and seek response, etc. However, Armix itself will send the response in time and score it here, at the home of the mascot Armix.

It will award the score based on four criteria: correction, originality, degree of preparation of the response and speed. Therefore, to achieve many points, in addition to the correct answer, it is necessary to respond in an original way, have relatively worked answers and respond quickly. And there you can appreciate the importance of teamwork, since a good deal can be fundamental to accumulate points.

Another reason for the good work is that the winning responses of each month are put in ZerNola. And even if you don't win the prize, everyone will have the opportunity to attend the prize giving party and spend a fantastic day. In short, that is our goal, to learn something, but always enjoying.

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