Ring Force III. Thesis Prize Winner

Andonegi Beristain, Garazi

Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The hidden force of the ring has won the III. Thesis Award. The second classified was the thesis entitled New magnetic techniques of microstructural characterization of steels.

UPV doctor Silvia Arrese-Igor has studied the properties of plastics in the thesis The hidden force of the ring, especially of plastics with phenyl rings (C 6 H 5). These rings spin and swing around the basic plastic chain. In addition, environmental molecules can stimulate or reduce these movements. Thus, the researcher has found that these movements influence the mechanical properties of plastic. Therefore, it has revealed the hidden force of the rings.

The work of Ane Martínez de Gere has focused on the microstructural characteristics of steel. TECNUN researcher proposes in his thesis new magnetic techniques for the study of the internal structure of steel. On the one hand, these techniques allow to measure the plastic deformations of the steels and, on the other, they have obtained parameters that allow to know how the microstructure of the steel is modified in different productive processes.

These two works have meant the greatest effort to disseminate the thesis. Taking into account the complexity of the topics, the jury highlighted the effort to write in an accessible way for all. In addition, the explanation and proper use of terminology, the tenderness of writing, the good exposure of the nucleus of the thesis and the divulgative effort made in Basque have been valued above all. However, in the works presented by the jury there is a tendency to give known terms or concepts.

17 total jobs

A total of 17 papers have been submitted. To the Thesis Prize. Of these, 9 have been from the Public University of Navarra, 7 from the UPV and one from the University of Navarra. That is the work that has won the second prize. All of them were presented in 2004.

Topics such as computer science, agriculture, geology, mathematics, statistics, physics and medicine have been addressed. As for languages, the 4 abstracts have had as their main language Basque, 12 Spanish and one English.

Silvia Arrese-Igorre has acquired a laptop thanks to the collaboration of SISTEK Informática y Sistemas. As a second prize, Ane Martínez de Gere will be able to spend a weekend in an agrotourism with NEKATUR.

These award-winning works, as well as those of other participants, are available online at www.basqueresearch.com.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila