Elhuyar Foundation advances

Aizpurua Arkauz, Izaro

Marketin saila

Elhuyar Fundazioa

The Elhuyar Foundation has defined the course of the next three years in its recent strategic plan. This Plan is the result of the strategic reflection carried out between March and July 2006 and has been defined through a participatory process. In the process, in addition to defining the mission, vision and values of the Elhuyar Foundation, objectives, lines and strategic challenges have been agreed. IV of the Elhuyar Foundation. this is a strategic reflection.
Elhuyar Foundation advances
01/10/2006 | Aizpurua Arkauz, Izaro | Marketing Department/Elhuyar Fundazioa
(Photo: Poly Photographers)

The Elhuyar Foundation has been working for 34 years on the integration of science, technology and Euskera; at present, it aims to be a reference in the field of Basque and science, as indicated in the approach it has just defined, and to achieve this it is necessary to renew the link between science, technology and Basque. Innovation, customer orientation, the quality management model and the development of new products are the four agreed strategic challenges that mark the direction of the next three years.

The Elhuyar Foundation wants to build on innovation as a basis for the coming years, with special emphasis on the development of R&D&i and the implementation of advances in the field of information and communications technologies. In addition, it wants to innovate in products and services and innovate in processes, working in an environment that channels new ideas.

On the other hand, special customer care will be provided to offer and develop products and services that meet the needs of today's society. To carry out these projects, Elhuyar will follow a management model based on communication, trust, teamwork and autonomy.

Special emphasis will also be placed on the incorporation of new partners into the Elhuyar Foundation project over the next three years. In fact, partners are an important pillar of the Foundation and their support is critical to achieving the goals set for the coming years.

More information on the strategic plan of the Elhuyar Foundation on the website www.elhuyar.org.

Aizpurua Arkauz, Izaro
News from Elhuyar; Enpresa
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