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Updated Solar System Mural
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Elia Elhuyar
At the end of August 2006, the International Astronomers Union (UAE) established the categories of dwarf planets and planets. With these decisions, the Elhuyar Foundation has prepared a new mural of the solar system.
Updated Solar System Mural
01/01/2007 | Solabarrieta Arrizabalaga, Danel | Elhuyar Edizioak

Measures: 98 x 30 cm; price: 6 e .
To conclude the debate on the existence or not of the planet Pluto, the International Union of Astronomers decided at the end of August 2006 what were the characteristics of planets and dwarf planets. Now our solar system consists of eight planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) and four dwarf planets (Ceres, Pluto, Charon and Eris).
Much has been said about this new classification in society and especially in the educational world. In this sense, the Elhuyar Foundation has edited a new mural of the solar system that collects the decisions made by the International Union of Astronomers.
The mural depicts all dwarf planets and planets. And next to the image, it offers data of number of satellites, diameter, mass, density, rotation, distance to the Sun, time that takes the light to reach the Sun, whether it has magnetic field or not and if it has ring.
Updated and real
Along with all of the above, it represents whether each body is a dwarf planet or planet and where it is located. In the case of dwarf planets, the Kuiper belt and asteroid belt have also been represented in these areas of the solar system.
these bodies are found. In these areas, however, there are thousands of other objects that, through their representation, have wanted to be highlighted in the image of the wall as an integral part of the solar system to offer a complete and real vision of the solar system.
Following the same objective, the mural also gives special importance to the representation of the scale. Therefore, a second solar system has been represented at the bottom of the wall image. In this second representation, dwarf planets and planets are located depending on the distance to the Sun and their relative size is shown. Thanks to this, at first glance you see how the solar system is and, for example, you realize how far Uranus and Neptune of the Sun are.
As for technical characteristics, the mural is 98 x 30 cm and has been designed and designed to be placed at home or in the classroom.
Norteko Ferrokarrilla on the Internet and Teknopolis Award
The program Norteko Ferrokarrilla, produced by the Elhuyar Foundation, can now be heard on the web www.zientzia.net. This radio program on science and technology began broadcasting in 1996 in the Basque Country. Now you can listen on Wednesday and Sunday night, and Guillermo Roa and Nagore Rementeria are in charge of announcing.

(Photo: Recent searches
However, those who cannot listen to it on the radio now have the opportunity on the Internet. All interviews conducted to date in the 2006-2007 season have been in mp3 format, classified by themes, as well as those that will be broadcast from now on.
On the other hand, the television program Teknopolis, which is broadcast on Sundays on the two networks of Euskal Telebista, has received the Ekin prize in Bizkaia 2006. The Ekin Awards in Bizkaia are an initiative of the Department of Innovation and Promotion of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. This award recognizes the work of the organizations and/or people that promote the business environment of Bizkaia and the creation of companies in Bizkaia, and Teknopolis has received the award in the field of Communication.
Solabarrieta Arrizabalaga, Danel
Elhuyar News
Elhuyar News