New face of Basque Research

Andonegi Beristain, Garazi

Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The Basque Research website aims to showcase research, development and innovation in the Basque Country, and it is precisely the R&D&i trio that makes us r+D+i. But we are not talking about Basque innovation, but about the novelties we have made at Basque Research.
New face of Basque Research
01/05/2007 | Andonegi Beristain, Garazi | Elhuyar Zientzia Komunikazioa
Version of the new aspect of Basque Research.

Basque Research will be five years old on June 10, 2007 and, given the nature of this issue, we intended it to be more than a circular anniversary. That's why we thought it was a good opportunity to address the updates and other changes the website has long needed.


The renewal process began last year, but will be released on June 1, if there are no surprises. That day, Basque Research will have a new aspect.

The needs that have motivated this transformation have been mainly three: Update the cover and contents of Basque Research, respond to accessibility needs and facilitate user participation.

To do this, new sections have been created and others have been removed, graphic elements have been reinforced, the organization of menus has been modified, comments have been allowed to be sent to the news and the possibility of providing additional information to the contents has been offered. Finally, modifications have been made to the programming to reach the level of accessibility AA.

New sections

The new sections of Basque Research include the interview section. In this section we will publish monthly interviews of the magazine Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknika in three languages with photographs. This will also be a novelty on the web, reinforcing the graphic part. And from now on, in addition to the interview, the news will appear with photographs -- so far only one photo could be seen.

It has also opened the possibility of sending comments. Users will have the possibility to comment on the news that can be read along with the text of the same. The main screen will also be available the news list with the latest comments.

In addition to these new sections, many other things have been modified, aligning with Elhuyar's strategy in the network. In fact, Elhuyar has initiated a process of organization and coordinated demonstration of the Internet forces, which is the strategy of the network, in which the decisions made will be presented for the first time on the Basque Research website. On 1 June, therefore, you will know the new face of Basque Research. See if you like it!

Andonegi Beristain, Garazi
Elhuyar News
Elhuyar News
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