
It happened in 1936 in La Pedaja (Burgos). The bodies of 104 people killed for facing the coup are hidden in a grave. 74 years later, the members of Aranzadi took their tracks from the ground and, among the bare bones, 45 brains and a heart were found, silent witnesses of what happened. It has given a great opportunity to investigate how organs are saponified and, by the way, has offered a new resource that has served to realize that they exist in the ancient deposits. The subject seemed to be extendable.

Although organ immortality has been random, immortality has been in the human mind for thousands of years. How to manage to delay old age and death? Some theories say that with the reduction of calories in our diet we can extend life, but to what extent do they have credibility? A nih-sponsored study reveals its credibility by showing that reducing 15% calories slows people's aging.

However, most strategies used to extend life do not come from a healthy and less prosperous diet. More and more medicines are taken by older people and it is uncertain if it guarantees quality of life. Medicine is now time to rethink your attitude to old age. Thus, we received the reflections of two doctors from Osakidetza: Iñaki Peña Bandres, duel expert, and Felipe Aizpurua Barandiaran, researcher.

But in this issue we have also included topics such as autonomous cars and big health data. The new data protection law came into force in May 2018 and the time has come to regulate whether patient data can be used in scientific research. What is at stake? Is our privacy in danger? The interview with Pilar Nicolás Jiménez wants to be the starting point for the debate.

We have also published the winning entries of the CAF-Elhuyar Awards. Enjoy them as a sample of the level of scientific disclosure of local researchers and journalists. This year the Prize was awarded by the magazine Zientzia eta Teknologia of the UPV/EHU EKAIA. The work carried out for the recognition of research carried out in Basque at the University has merit. Congratulations on the journey!

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila