10 milestones of Basque journalism

The Rikardo Arregi Journalism Awards have turned 30 and the organization has wanted to do something very special: 10 communication projects that have marked a milestone in Basque journalism. It has been an unforgettable news for us that Elhuyar magazine is one of those 10 milestones! In addition, we have had luxury trips: Berria/Euskaldunon Egunkaria, Argia/Zeruko Argia, EITB, Goiena Komunikazio Taldea, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación de la UPV, Euskal Irratia, revista Anaitasuna, revista Eibar.org y Ttipi-Ttapa.

It has been an honor for us to participate in the festival of Basque journalism. And with joy, the need to express gratitude comes to our hearts. Thanks to those who created Elhuyar magazine 32 years ago and courageously, when scientific communication in Basque had not yet begun. Of course, thanks to all the subscribers, because without your support we could not remain excited during all these years. And thanks also to the scientists here for being always willing to collaborate and collaborate. When we need a qualified opinion, we ask you for information, or inform us of your research… we feel close. Thank you from the heart. This award is also yours.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila