Guardian of Beauty

Dentists are one of the oldest and most beautiful insects on planet Earth. Photographer Iñaki Aranburu Mosque has spent his entire life in the wells, with the camera in his hand, looking for the smallest detail of his life and anatomy. It has the most complete collection of Euskal Herria broches and witch needles as patron of beauty. In a graphic report we have collected the gaze of Mosque and the stories and stories of Iñaki Sanz -Azkue.

In fact, to preserve the biodiversity of our planet and address the global environmental emergency, more and more voices are proposing economic disaster. However, in the desperate quest to maintain an unsustainable life, we remain resilient, convinced that well-being and development remain linked to economic growth. However, on the basis of this resistance it is evident that disaster can also be an opportunity to live better. The emergency is also social. We provide an economic, anthropological and architectural perspective.

We have also received the voice of another anthropologist: We have thoroughly interviewed Mari Luz Esteban Galarza. Esteban has looked at science with a critical view and claims that knowledge must arise from listening and collaboration of citizens. It represents science as a rhizome, as if they were stems growing constantly under the ground. [Rhizome growing in the feminist land].

Finally, we have brought to this issue the contribution that physics is making to understanding the functioning of the brain. Donostiarras physicists and the team of the prestigious neurobiologist Rafael Yuste work together to develop a powerful methodology for the physical observation of brain activity. They're using gold to do this, and we found it interesting to show it here, thinking that the dream of understanding the human brain is getting closer and closer.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila