Optical fibers with channel, future color

The American laboratory Bell, New Jersey, presents an optical fiber that is not limited to transporting information. The new optical fiber clusters channels a thousand times narrower than the millimeter, which are full of fluids and when connecting the fluid advances or recedes. Thus, it is able to transport light of different colors and process signals.

Optical fiber with channel is as simple as simple and cheap, but it can play the role of more complex tools. For example, to send multiple optical signals in a single fiber, each signal must be encoded in rays of different color. After receiving the signal, the signal is decoded by special filters or light sensors. The new optical fiber, on the other hand, simultaneously carries out transport and decoding tasks. In addition, the authors have stated that it can have many other applications.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila