XX. In the eighteenth century the sea level has climbed 1.9 mm per year

XX. In the eighteenth century the sea level has climbed 1.9 mm per year
01/02/2009 | Elhuyar

A group of researchers from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV-EHU has analyzed the impact of climate change on the Basque coast and has seen it in the XX. Throughout the twentieth century the sea level has risen 1.9 mm per year (the IPCC data is 1.8 mm). If this continues, the researchers foresee an impact on the coast that will affect the Bilbao Metropolitano and the estuaries of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. For this reason, among other things, we are working on the recovery of ecosystems, creating natural barriers advance of the sea.

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