Russian researchers arrive at Lake Vostok

Etxebeste Aduriz, Egoitz

Elhuyar Zientzia

Chart of the perforation of Lake Vostok. Ed. Juramento Deretsky/NSF

Russian researchers arrive at Lake Vostok, which has been under Antarctic ice for 14 million years. According to statements made today by Vladimir Luquin, head of the Russian Expedition of Antarctica, on 5 February they reached the surface of the lake by drilling 3,769 m of ice.

Scientists are very interested in investigating the presence of living beings or their footprints in this isolated lake for 14 million years. But when they were 130 meters to reach the water, they stopped drilling to avoid contaminating the water. On the way, microorganisms were also found that were not clear in the ice or the tools used to drill, and that provoked the debate. The Russians retook drilling in 2005 with measures to prevent water contamination with external microorganisms.

Now, even though they have reached the lake, they will have to wait the following year to continue with the investigations. There are only two members of the team left in the station and they will also have to leave it soon, as the time has come for their stay. During the Antarctic summer 2012-2013 the Russians plan to send a robot to take water samples and bottom sediments.

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