A year later, remembering Fukushima

Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana

Elhuyar Zientzia

Yesterday everyone remembered the disaster that occurred a year earlier in Fukushima. Like Elhuyar magazine in February, most of the media have paid special attention to what has happened since then.
A graffiti on Fukushima - Ed. Wolfgang Sterneck/Creative Commons/confess and share under the same authorization

Among the reflections and published articles are some curiosities such as that made by the Institute of Technology Georgia (United States).

In fact, researchers have converted the earthquake waves a year ago into audio files. To do this, the frequency of the signal received by the seismographs has increased, so that the waves are in the frequency range in which we perceive our ears.

The result has been published in the journal Sismological Reseach Letters, with three recordings as an example. The first, 145 kilometers from the epicenter; the second, on the coast, between the central of Daiichi and Tokyo; and the third, in the San Andrés fault (California), where the earthquake caused movements.

According to researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, their work is useful to interpret data from other earthquakes and vibrations.

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