United under water

Although we have had the best intercontinental communication system so far, the new fiber optic cables will allow to use up to ten times more channels than before. In addition, we must not forget that cable links avoid delays in space emissions.

The Russian Ministry of Post and Telecommunications plans to unite Siberia with the United States by optical cable.

These advantages have led the Russian Ministry of Post and Telecommunications to connect Siberia with the United States via optical cable. It is about joining Murmansk from Siberia with the Point Barrow from Alaska. The distance between them is 4,350 kilometers and at first sight, despite seeing that crossing the Aleutian Islands is shorter and much cheaper, they have ruled out this possibility. The main reason has been the desire to link with northern Europe.

The chosen option will be carried out through a nuclear diving. Taking advantage of this fact, the optical cable of 2,5 cm of diameter will sink wrapped in two giant coils for later extension in the subsoil.

As time elapses, repairs have also been planned and know that they will have difficulty accessing the optical cable under water. However, they know that, in addition to their own failures, they can also occur by fishing or by the displacement of ships, to those who are more afraid.

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