New solution to water pollution

Water pollution will have an economic and simple solution in the future. This is the case of scientists who are developing and studying a new anti-pollution technique at the US Cape Cod research center. This new technique, which has already passed the laboratory step, has announced its willingness to carry out large-scale tests to give a new solution to water pollution.

The success of the new techniques developed by Cape Cod researchers will result in an economical and short-term use solution. The beginning of this technique is the elimination of contaminants. To do this, it is first necessary to channel contaminated water and to test the Cape Cod model the new Bare channel has been built. The passage of water through sand filters and metal shavings is the time when the step is taken against pollution: metal acts against toxic molecules and during the process, non-harmful gases are generated for human health.

The researchers have constantly observed the process in the laboratory, but to date no large-scale trials have been conducted. They announce that the results of the new system being used in Cape Cod will be released towards spring.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila