On the last borders of the universe

In the European Southern Observatory they have discovered the galaxy in the last borders of the universe and you can see in the image.

The fact that man reaches the final end of the universe continues to have sleep for a long time. However, we can already know what we would find if we arrived there: ESO, the European Southern Observatory has found the galaxy at the last borders of the universe and can be seen in the image above. Specifically, ESO astronomers have represented waves of light, which appear to denounce the existence of a galaxy.

For the moment we will not be able to see it, because it is very far from us, to 13 billion light years. To know if this is too much or too little, we must bear in mind that the galaxy closest to us is 163,000 light-years away. Quite far, therefore. To give for good the theory of Big Band, we can also conclude that this galaxy they have recently discovered is the oldest in the universe. Although it will be necessary to obtain more data for a complete statement, it is undeniable that we are advancing on the road.

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