Again in spring… The flower of San José


If you have read this collection of articles on the flora of Euskal Herria, the reader, both this family and this genre will notice immediately. In addition, with the same name of “San José lorea”, in his day Elhuyar in number 81 Primula vulgaris subsp . We remind you that we study the species vulagaris and on this occasion we will again study the species Primula elatior of the same genus, known as “San José lorea”.

We inform you that this plant has two subspecies in Euskal Herria. The first, Primula elatior subsp . is distributed as indicated by the elatior distribution map and subsp . The intricate only appears in the Pyrenean area, in Zuberoa and Navarre.

J. Terés - Terés

On the other hand, this plant is one of the highest in its genus, with a height of between 10 and 30 cm. The rosette leaves, first yellowish, then greyish on the bottom and on the top a little hairy green. The flowers at the end of a lunch, yellow and odorless, appear in early spring and early May. The fruit is a small cylindrical capsule.

The humid soils are of great interest, colonizing especially drylands, mixed forests and river margins. In Euskal Herria, subsp. The elatior plant is quite common in Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia. Subsp. The intricate plant, in pyrenean meadows, only appears in subalpine and alpine marshes, and is an endemic species of the middle and southern mountains of Europe.

This plant has been used for its beauty as ornamental and has also been considered as a medicinal plant. The new leaves are eaten in salad and say it can be used against headaches or paralysis. The flowers, on the other hand, are sedative and the roots are used to cure the waterfall.

Flower of San José

Family: primulaceous species: Distribution Primula eIatior: Common in Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia Separated by Álava and Navarre North October Habitat: very humid lands: forests, river margins, silts; and smooth chaparrones Medicinal herb: yes

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