Chimpanzees use tools

According to studies done long ago by researcher Jane Goodall, it was known that chimpanzees used tools. For example, to remove termites from the holes, they use a stick.

Researchers at Stirling University, Bill McGrew, and Stella Brewer, have investigated that chimpanzees are using tools. Specifically they investigate the behavior of the chimpanzee called Katie. Katie used four tools to obtain honey. First I used a long stick of sharp end.

Through it he drilled the wax box. Then, with a smaller stick, also pointed tip, he continued drilling the inside of the box. He later used a centimeter in diameter and a green branch of sticks of 30 centimeters in length. Through it he pierced the box where the honey was. Finally came the honey with a fine asterisk.

That each one draw his own conclusions.

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