Intergalactic butterfly

So far we have known the butterflies flying around us, but it can soon be said that they will sail on Earth in space. But let no one be afraid of this news, because these insects will not be truthful, but robots, that is, very small satellites.

Before a NASA scientist designs the first prototype in the form of a butterfly and before saying anything about the success of the project, it will be necessary to see if the robot, of coin size of 50 penics, is able to withstand a hostile space environment. Having passed this test, the prototype author has announced his intention to try with more “species”.

It is a butterfly, but not one of those that flies from flower to flower. It is a butterfly satellite that navigates through space and explores unknown corners, measures the magnetic field of the Earth or facilitates communication connections between satellites.

Although we have said that robots are very small, they will have important obligations: Among other things, they will be responsible for measuring the Earth's magnetic field, exploring space or facilitating communication between large satellites.

Among the advantages of these prototypes is the economic aspect. In fact, newly designed satellites will be very cheap compared to conventional robots. The material to be used for the preparation of satellites will be made by recycling pieces of musical equipment and computers.

The voice has also been heard that the size of such reduced satellites has unsalvable physical limits. For example, it has been heard that for the realization of high resolution images a lens of 300 ml is needed and that on the small surface of the robot is impossible.

Despite the obstacles, the author of the intergalactic butterfly aims to create more “insects” and navigate through space. The future will tell us where the butterflies of the future will arrive.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila