Tuberculosis in England, before the Romans

So far scientists considered that the first remains of tuberculosis found in the UK were from Roman times, analyzing the remains of ten skeletons of the first century.

However, according to the study of another skeleton that has long been found, this disease has already appeared in England. This skeleton was discovered long ago in Tarrant Hilton, southwest England, and in the vertebrae was influenced by tuberculosis. The skeleton was long studied by archaeologist Simon Mays, but has now received great fame because scientists have revealed its origin in the 14 carbon test: it is a footprint of 300 years before the Roman invasion. Therefore, tuberculosis did not reach England with the Romans, but was a previous disease on the main island of the United Kingdom.

Tuberculosis not only affects the lung, but also the spine, in these cases the study of the skeleton can determine whether or not they suffered the disease.

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