Cars driven by satellite and CD-ROM

Car drivers guided by this system will not mind being anywhere in the world, as they will be driven automatically.

The essay has been promoted by the Japanese company Pioneer. The car consists of:

  • antenna antenna antenna antenna
  • microprocessor
  • liquid crystal control screen
  • CD-ROM reader

CD-ROM disks contain information about roads throughout Japan. The map of the area through which the car circulates will appear on the screen and position in it. The position will be determined by the satellites and the information sent by them will be received through the antenna.

CD-ROM discs will include other information, dining rooms, hotels, tourist offices, etc. Location.

To be able to apply this system in Euskal Herria, we should include maps of all our roads on CD-ROM disks. Philips seems to want to include European maps on CD-ROM disks. To see if you do not forget us.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila