Published the book “Sapiens ante el espejo” on the Booktegi platform

Ed. Booktegi

The author of the articles Ana Galarraga Aiestaran has selected and ordered seventeen articles published in the journal Elhuyar, and the platform Booktegi has published them in a book.

The collection, entitled “Frente al espejo Sapiens”, explains how our species is from the point of view of different scientific disciplines: archaeology, evolution, biology, physiology, neurology, genetics, ecology…

The prologue of the collection is:

"The mirror test was designed in the 1970s. To know if an animal had self-awareness, a footprint was painted on the body. If standing in front of the mirror he reacted as if he knew the place painted, the researchers concluded that he was aware. Subsequently, science has put into question the value of the test, although among those who have demonstrated this capacity are chimpanzees, gorillas, elephants, some cetaceans and ravens, as well as human beings from a certain age.

Our species also has a capacity that others do not have: it can make very diverse mirrors. A reflection like the mirror. How are we in the mirror of biology? Or sex? What do archaeology, physiology, evolution say about us? Who are we from a scientific point of view? The magazine Elhuyar has published in recent years many articles responding to these questions. Here is a selection of them, but the reader can find many more on the pages of Elhuyar magazine and on the web, along with other articles, analysis, news, interviews and contents related to science and technology.

Elhuyar magazine is born with the aim of informing about what happens in science and technology, in Basque, to promote scientific culture in society and help deepen democracy. To do this, the first step can be to awaken curiosity, that is the intention of this collection".

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila