Sajarof dies

For many readers Andrei Dimitriebitx Sajarof will be a character known for his political work in the Soviet Union. However, the physicist Sajarof will be more unknown although Sajarof is a heavyweight physicist.

Andrei Sajarof was born on 21 May 1921 in Moscow. His father was professor of physics at schools and at university and published several books. His family was of Russian intelligence and had a great influence on Andrei. Until age 12 Sajarof studied at home and used to go to school to do the exam. In 1938 he began his studies at the Moscow Faculty of Physics, finishing his studies in 1942.

During the years 1942-44 he worked in a military laboratory located on the banks of the Volga River. At that time he married the chemist Klafdija Alexeefna Bijereba. They had two daughters and one son.

In January 1945 P.N. Moscow. Lebedef joined the Institute of Physics while taking his doctorate. He read the thesis in November 1947 and became a permanent member of the Institute.

Information then Tamm, director of the department, organized a working group to analyze the availability of a nuclear fusion weapon and participated Sajarof. The following year, in 1949, Tamm and he went to a special Institute to investigate the thermonuclear bomb. Sajarof worked until 1968.

In 1969 he returned to the Lebedef Institute and his wife died of cancer at age 49. It was a big blow to Sajarof.

By then Sajarof was already in political trouble and faced the Soviet authorities.

In 1972 she remarried physicist Elena Georgiefna Bonner.

In 1975 he won the Nobel Prize in Pakea.

Sajarof's main contributions to science have been nuclear fusion. On the one hand, he is considered the father of the Soviet fusion pump, as his ideas and innovations facilitated the path of the bomb. However, his work on nuclear fusion was not limited to weapons technology. He also did great work on the peaceful use of fusion. Among the new concepts he worked was the magnetic thermonuclear reactor.

He proposed the storage by magnetic fields of the ionized light atom gas (deuterium and tritium) necessary for fusion. This is the technique used in the current management. He also proposed the use of muonic catalysis for fusion. In addition, the fusion caused by the laser being developed today was first proposed by Sajarof.

He also worked in cosmology, especially from the late 1960s.

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