Similar to Click on phone

Similar to Click on phone
01/11/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Recent searches

Pulsars are neutron stars that, surprisingly, have served as the basis for developing mobile phone technology. In the laboratory of Los Alamos in New Mexico, a new tool is being prepared that mimics the peculiar way of emitting radiation from pulsars.

Pulsars emit different types of jet radiations that always come in the same direction. The New Mexico team has stated that their devices emit radio waves as a stream of radiation in the pulsars. These waves, however, are rare, of very low intensity and powerful. Among other things, they claim that it will make it possible for mobile phones that are located in the furthest parts of the world to work.

The instrument they have just created has been called the polarization synchrotron. For the moment, it has been proven that radio waves have the same characteristics that are expected in a space of three kilometers, for which a prototype built five years ago, an arc of two meters in length has been used. However, much smaller tools are being prepared, the size of a laptop or to demonstrate its viability in the market.

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