Tankers again

"Elhuyar. In issue 68 of this magazine Science and Technology the development of the security measures of the maritime transport of oil was explained. Accidents that occurred in A Coruña first and then in the Shetland Islands took their first place in all media. Subsequently, accidents in Indonesia and the hard hours of the port of the Tarragona refinery have revealed that the risk of oil spills is alive.

This article mentions the safety standards being tested to minimize risk. The United States has chosen a solution known as a double helmet. According to the law passed, the new tankers will need a double hull to navigate the American waters and the oil will be transported in protected tanks in the inner hull. Another issue that regulates this law is that the former oil tankers who are already working, that is, those who do not have double hull, must meet special conditions.

Among other things, the U.S. Coast Guard organization It was necessary to define prohibited areas for these boats and other areas to be navigated with the help of a tug and start them in August. However, this type of work has not yet been carried out or any other inspection, that is, no inspection has been made to the other requirements established by law (for example, special navigation equipment, larger and more prepared crew, etc.). to know if they are being fulfilled or not. And they say they have not been fulfilled, except in the case of California. This state, for its part, has begun to apply the law while federal organizations do not take steps.

For environmental groups this situation is a consequence of the enormous pressure exerted by the oil industry. The oil industry does not want any other expense to charge its activity. The main argument used in the United States is that since the Exxon Valdez accident occurred, there have been no serious accidents and, therefore, it is not necessary to have rules that generate so much expense. The events that have taken place in recent months have again worried some and a member of the US Congress has denounced the non-application of the law.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila