Peroxisomas, why?

In the decade of the 60's these organelles were discovered but they were not overlooked. Today, worldwide, only 20 scientists study these organelles. Although the importance given to them is small, what they have inside the cell is much greater, that is what experts say.

There is no more to see the results of the study with knock-out mice that lacks genes to produce peroxisomas. They say that many genetic diseases that so far were not related can have as a basis the absence or infunction of peroxisomas.

The team of researchers working with Knock-out mice said that at the moment 23 genes have been found to create peroxisomas. The group of genes that have called PEX would produce the inorganic membranes and proteins necessary to form new peroxisomas.

Peroxisomas are very simple organelles. They are spherical organelles surrounded by a simple membrane. Inside are the enzymes and proteins necessary for cell reaction. The b-oxidation of fatty acids, the metabolism of bile and plasmmalogens acids, as well as the biosynthetic pathways of sterols, are regulated by proteins of the orgacle.

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