It is the first distribution system that can be used both in live mode and in installed mode
Iker Castaños (Zalla, 1980), a student of Technical Engineering in Computer Management at UPV/EHU, has designed a pioneering distribution system for the automatic configuration of computer clusters. The cluster is a group of computers that work in parallel to solve very complex calculation problems, and is very useful in computing and other fields.
The distribution system is called ABC GNU/Linux. Based on free software (Ubuntu), it is able to automatically configure a cluster of up to 254 computers. It is the first distribution system that allows its use from the DVD directly (live) or installed on the hard disk. In fact, there is already a system of this type, but none of them can decide how to do it. For example, the Pelican HPC distribution system works only as live, while the Rocks distribution system is installed.
Castaños has designed its distribution system with the support of doctors Izaskun Garrido and Aitor Josu Garrido of the Department of Systems Engineering and Automatic of the UPV. This system saves the time necessary to manually configure a cluster. In addition, it is very beneficial for programmers and researchers, many do not know how to build a cluster, but at the same time they are very useful for their research.
ABC GNU/Linux is available on the website of the UPV Advanced Control Group: