Pitcher McDonell Douglas

McDonnell Douglas wants to make a very special pitcher. Once sent into space, it will be lowered to Earth and reused.

McDonnell Douglas wants to make a very special pitcher. Once sent into space, it will be lowered to Earth and reused. It is called DC-X and the prototype has cost 50 million dollars.

The project has been successfully developed to date, but barriers have been created due to the reversal of the US Pentagon. However, NASA has decided to dedicate a million dollars to this project. In fact, this spatial “taxi” can transport up to twelve tons of material and it is interesting to have this type of launcher for the functions of space. However, the prototype they have tested for the moment weighs 21 tons and has been built on a scale of one in three real projectors.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila