Automobile of Martitz

On 1 and 2 November, the Moscow Institute of Cosmic Research brought together scientists from North America, France, the Soviet Union, Japan and Hungary. The subject analyzed has been the Soviet probe they want to send to Mars in 1994.

According to current planning, in November 1994 a probe will land in Martitz and from it will leave a car of 100 kilos. The vehicle will have a deformable chassis and six independent wheels. It will take the energy of a radioisotope and its power of 60 W will be governed by the Soviet center of Jevpatoria, where the motorists will be.

These pilots will visualize the images of the landscape of Martitz, and depending on them they will send orders to the vehicle.

The payload in the vehicle is only 10 kilos, but nevertheless they can perform quite complex tests. In Moscow it is expected that in two years the car of Martitz can travel one hundred kilometers to the planet.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila