Zientzia I Festival from January to March

Carton Virto, Eider

Elhuyar Zientzia

Ed. Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience

From January 8 to March 31, #Scholarly Culture I. The festival will be held. The aim of this initiative is to enjoy and disseminate scientific culture, and that, to do so in Basque, on the Internet.

To do this, everyone from their area and on their blog or website, can create and share content; subsequently, the contents of all participants will meet on a host website, in this case Zientzia Kaiera. To participate in the festival, simply indicate “This content is #Cultura Científica I. Participate in the festival” and send the organizer the internet address of the content.

Jon Mattin Matxain, author of the blog “How to learn quantum chemistry without frightening”, is a theoretical chemist who has had the accession of more than a hundred entities and people, including Elhuyar, and Elhuyar magazine.

The festival will continue the initiative #Culture Zientzia organized on Twitter last September. With the hashtag Culture Science 221 participants sent over 1,800 tweets related to scientific culture on September 25. The festival is born with the result and the good atmosphere of that day and is open to all who want to participate.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila