Hemp in the brain

Produced by the brain itself, researchers believe it is a substance that contains the same active substance as hemp. In the article published in the journal Nature, researchers have explained the path taken to find the 2-AG. While working in the laboratory of the San Diego Institute of Neurosciences, they have managed to isolate 2-AG in the brain of rats, a substance that acts on the same receptors that activates hemp and that may be related to the memory system.

This first step has detected the presence of this substance in the brain of rats, but it is believed that it may be present in humans. It is a hypothesis of the moment, but it is evident that it can have a long and fruitful path. In fact, by isolating the principle of hemp in the brain it can be said that it occurs in it.

Thus it must be concluded that hemp "steals" the receptors of another substance. Following this path, researchers in San Diego have announced that in the future it will be possible to obtain marijuana from the letter, a plant that will only have beneficial effects for cannabis? The future will tell us.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila