A private company receives permission from Ilargiratze

NASA has set itself back to the Moon and, alongside it, several private companies are also heading to the Moon. Among them are the American companies TransOrbital and Canal Corp. Now, the company TransOrbital has been authorized by the government to carry out the TrailBlazer mission. If expectations are met, it will be the first mission to be launched for commercial purposes. The objective of the TrailBlazer spacecraft on its way to the Moon, in June 2003, is to map the surface of the Moon and photograph the Earth's surface.

The ultimate goal of the TransOrbital is to offer commercial trips to the Moon. According to those of the company, the Moon is closer to what it imagined, the trip to the Moon lasts only four days. To obtain authorization, the company has had to prove that the Moon will not pollute or contaminate with biological materials or alter historical sites.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila